Wednesday 29 April 2009

Emerging Leaders Day

Over 60 people attended the Emerging Leaders Day with one or two confessing they were 'just 40 years old!' David and I were greatly encouraged that so many people had managed to travel from almost all parts of England to the day despite the clash with holidays and other events.

There was lots of energy and a real buzz as we explored together how 'younger adults' can be encouraged into the leadership of our Church now.

The one and a half hours for lunch was a great chance for people to network and this was one of the very positive outcomes of the event. There was a commitment to move forward on this agenda and to create data bases of emerging leaders through the Methodist Church web site and face book. I will post the information in the blog as details emerge.

There were three words on the front of the programme which set out what we hoped the day would do. These were Support - Inspire - Resource. We believe this began to happen on the day and David and I are committed to continue working alongside this age group to encourage them in helping shape the Church both of today and the future.

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