Sunday, 11 May 2008

Two more aspects of the Pentecost Festival

ne Yesterday lunch time I went to West London Mission (Hinde Street Methodist Church site) to be part of a group of people, some homeless, some living on the streets and some living in dwellingss, looking to take part in a conversation about Homelessness spirituality. It was a privilege to hear the stories of those who had ended up living on the streets, some of whom would now not make a choice to change that. There were others who had roofs over their heads but felt homeless and there were those of us who would be challenged about our attitudes to those who live on the streets. We recognised that there were many who would not join in this kind of conversation, particularly those whose addictions or mental health had landed them on the streets and were now keeping them there. Rev Leao Neto opened with prayers and then we ate a lunch of soup and bread together before breaking up into groups to have more intimate conversations. It was a really worthwhile but challenging time. Next time you see a homeless person please be sure to look them in the eyes and say hello rather than treating them as a lesser being.

In the evening Garry and I went to St Johns, Smith Square for a wonderful blend of the best in performing arts - a 21st century musical theatre parable with professional accredited artists. Life and Tonic, put on by 3inOne International, included fantastic music, drama and dance. The show is set in the cafe bar of a thriving city-centre theatre where the action takes place over one day. All sorts of issues, abortion, abuse, relationships, drug peddling, the needs of older people were addressed and biblical themes ran through. It was very cleverly done. Very worthwhile.

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