Thursday, 15 May 2008

meanderings on a train

Well the Pentecost Festival came and went. I enjoyed doing the sessions and there seemed to be a buzz around Westminster Central Hall where I was based.

Monday and Tuesday were spent on retreat. Forme this means various things at various times of my life, but in recent years 'retreat' has often been 24 hours with a couple of good friends who know me well, and we prayerfully share with each other and receive a careful listening ear, wise responses and thoughtful, caring prayer. So it was on Monday and Tuesday and I am grateful to God for the opportunity and for my good freinds.

Yesterday, Wednesday, I went to York to do a 'Town and Gown' lecture: 'evangelism - nasty? naughty? Nice? Necessary?' I was amazed hom many folk had turned up! I was honestly expecting 30 or so in a room. But no, a couple of hundred turned up, I did my best. I think it went ok,but I was aware how out of practice I am these days at the 'formal lecture'. I've just done so few in recent months. Then out for a lovely meal in York, returning home early Thursday morning.

By the miracles of technology I am entering this blog on the train, bound for London. This, like many other engagements, was not in the prayer card and pertains to my ministerial role post September.

I have less than 8 weeks to go as President. An email from Stephen Poxon, my successor has brought that home to me, and already planning for Conference 08 is proceeding apace. I have had a wonderful year, and enjoyed every minute of it. And will continue to do so, i'm sure. So in that sense I am not looking forward to giving it up! But what I am looking forward to is only doing one job! Just passed Leicester.... London here I come!

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