Thursday, 8 October 2015

'It is expensive to be poor', says Trussell Trust

Chris Mould, the Chair of the Trussell Trust gave an inspirational talk at a prayer breakfast hosted by the Conservative Christian Fellowship, during the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester.
He began with a challenge from Scripture.
  • You know what you are supposed to do: ‘love kindness, do justice’ (Micah 6.8)
  • ‘Defend the cause of the poor and needy’ (Jeremiah 22.16)
That is what it means to know God.
The Trussell Trust started in Salisbury 15 years ago and has about 1,500 food banks today, run by 40,000 volunteers. In 2014-15 they provided emergency food for over 1 million people. Two thirds of these only needed short-term intervention – these are not ‘scroungers’ they are people determined to get back on their feet.

90% of food banks are doing more than providing food e.g. ‘Kettle boxes’. Especially in winter, people are not able to afford gas/electric so need food they can prepare quickly.
Alan Sugar said, ‘Poverty doesn’t exist’. That is sad because people listen to him. Petty minded nastiness in some of the tabloid newspapers gives an incorrect picture which is the opposite of love, despising of them.  People are being infected by stuff that is not expressing the heart of God.

What would God like our society to look like?
The Lord would like us all to have enough to live and enough to give.

Enough to buy our own child an ice cream, and buy a friend’s child an ice cream.

What can we do?
It is the little things, kind actions and words. We need to move the discourse on to something that looks like loving your neighbour.

Call to action - find your local Trussell Trust foodbank by putting in your postcode on their website.

Speak to your local manager to hear real stories, because sharing these stories is important. 

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