Thursday, 5 September 2013

Syria - prayer for peace and prayer for action

The attention of the world is focused on Syria and on the international response to the use of chemical weapons with devastating effect on children, women and men in the area around Damascus.
The Methodist, Baptist and United Reformed Churches issued two statements in the week that the British Parliament met to decide whether to authorise a military response and you can read these here:

Among Methodist people there will be a variety of personal opinions about the response that should be made by the international community but all of us will be united in praying for peace and in praying for those in Syria whose lives have been affected for so long by conflict in that country. The Pope has called Catholics to a day of prayer and fasting on Saturday and I hope that many of us will join in the prayers on that day, it may be that there is an opportunity for you to join with local Catholic churches.

Whatever you do on Saturday, I hope that you will continue to pray for the people of Syria, for those who are making decisions about their response to the use of chemical weapons, for the United Nations and for political leaders in the region.

We must also continue to pray and work for a quick and effective humanitarian response to those who have suffered so much in Syria and for the thousands of refugees facing an uncertain future.

As we focus on Syria, which is a proper response at this time, we do not forget those other areas of the world, which may not be receiving media attention but where injustice and violence continue and children, women and men live with pain, fear, hunger and the consequences of exclusion and marginalisation.

Gracious God,
We pray for all those who suffer from violence;
May they know your healing and peace.
We pray for those who have died and those who are bereaved;
May they be comforted and sustained by your love.
We pray for political leaders in Britain and across the world;
May they seek wisdom and work together for peace.
May your kingdom come, your will be done
And the earth be filled with your glory.

If you want to read further about some of these issues Steve Hucklesby has written a  blog on the JPIT website which you can find here:

You might also like to read 'Peacemaking: A Christian Vocation' which was produced by the Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church and was commended to the Methodist people by the Conference of 2006 for reflection, study and guidance on action. You can read it here:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Ruth. People may also want to use the resources for Peacemaking Sunday (22 Sept) which are available at,uk and include prayers for Syria.
