Wednesday, 13 February 2013

VP - Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

A delightful and informative Friday evening with Val (DDE Cornwall) and Peter was followed by an early morning flight from Newquay to the Isles of Scilly. The Revd Charlie Gibbs met us with Circuit Steward Beryl and then off to the manse to meet Mary. The walk around Hugh Town, the Old Town and the Garrison took most of the morning as our pace reduced and conversations increased. A pastoral visit in the afternoon and then Isabel and I met with folk from the Methodist Church; a 'Grand Tea' followed by questions large and deep. Sunday was a busy day, first attending an early 'Contemporary worship' before a preaching appointment at an ecumenical service in the Parish Church on St Mary's. A quick lunch, then a speedy launch (called Lightning, see photo)over to St Martin's for an afternoon service; before returning for an evening service with an emphasis on connecting people with the world church. It is so important for the President and VP to embody connexionalism, as so many of our churches feel remote from national decision-making. On Monday an early flight to Newquay, exchanging fields of daffodils for... fields of daffodils, and on to meet local church stewards in town-centre Redruth,trying hard and impressively to redefine their mission in the midst of some acute poverty. Not an easy situation at all. Lunch and early afternoon at the Carpenters cafe in the company of the District deacons - Helen, Michelle, Tom and Geoff. It was fascinating to hear of their different ministries, their joys and challenges; before Evensong in Truro Cathedral and meeting up with Steve Wild and Mark. On Tuesday morning Steve drove us down to Penzance to meet with Pamela Luke (ex-VP) before visiting Langholme (Methodist Homes) at Falmouth (as per top photo) in the midst of their redevelopment plan. It was a wonderfully varied District visit, and what a privilege to share with so many different Christians, in such varied settings, over the course of a few days. We met some very committed people.

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