Monday, 24 December 2012

VP - Christmas greetings

I've had plenty of correspondence in December concerning decisions taken at conference in July, but it has been a quiet month re official VP appointments, hardly surprising in the busyness that takes over for Christmas preparations. It has meant that I have been to a number of local carol services, carol singings and later today, crib services in various villages. After going around one village singing carols we all ended up outside a barn and some outbuildings, then treated to a short 'pageant' with shepherds round a brazier with their sheep, angels appearing (dazzling when the floodlight was turned on), Mary and Joseph arriving on a pony (donkey temporarily unavailable!) and wise men singing 'We three kings' as they approached the infant. It was special. But then the real Christmas story is special, and always will be. "Our God contracted to a span; incomprehensibly made man." The light shines in the darkness, even in Syria or Mali or Newtown Connecticut or with people affected by flooding, because God has chosen to be with us. We're human, so we don't always get it right, we too often make mistakes that lead to unhappiness, distress and grief - but God (Emmanuel) thankfully, happily is alongside us all to redeem, restore and forgive. Which is why my wish for anyone reading this, but also my prayer, is summed up in these two words - Happy Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. »Le Berthélaines Christmas-technotorium!«

    Reading these Christmas greetings I feel my own thoughts being reflected. For I to love carols and care of singing which brings us closer to the core-gospel … of ´he who in hay came hither´.

    And yes we`re human; we make mistakes; we live unhappily … forgetting love. My word be: ´he came to redeem us at the cross´.

    Therefore, find your bass units, tune into Jesus Christ, turn up the volume … and blow the roof of this Danish church to behold the star of him.

    »Le Berthélaines Christmas-technotorium!«

    Le Berthélaine – danish artist, writer and critic.
