Sunday, 18 November 2012

The future is going to be so much better than the past

I haven't quite got this blogging thing yet. So far I've kept a diary and then sent stuff to the wonderful David Webster which he cleverly puts in to date order in my beloved brother's, the Vice President, far more regular contributions!.

 Here goes though. I've got some older blogs to post, but this is my latest. I was at the 3Generate - Youth Assembly - Youth Conference - depends exactly how old you are. I was at the first Youth Conference at a Night Club near London in 1995.

We emulated Methodist Conference. There were loads of people there, and some very committed young people and youth leaders. It was good.

 At the time some 17 years ago MAYC was still a large organisation. I was the new National Secretary of MAYC and the Connexional Secretary of the Youth and Community section of the Division of Education and Youth.

The Youth Conference had been set up by Dave Martin - an excellent and inspirational National Secretary in a long line of excellent and inspirational National Secretaries. I was passionate about young people's involvement in the Church, I was part of the implementation group of Charter 95, I had been involved since the early 80's as a volunteer with London Weekend with David Winwood as part of the worship team for the Albert Hall.

 Honestly - I've been there, done that, and shared the pain, hope, joy, anger, frustration, and delight of being part of the youth work of the Church. But I don't want to look back, I want to say how great 3Generate is.

Well done Jude Levermore and her team. well done the young people who did a great deal of the work. Well done the churches, the youth workers, volunteers and youth leaders who brought young people and children to 3Generate this year.

 The Old MAYC was a wonderful creature. I'm overwhelmed with pride that I was there - but in today's world, today's church - the challenges we face now. I know that Jude and her Team of Connexional Staff, volunteers, young people, youth leaders, and above all children and young people - are stunning.

 We explored spirituality and justice, fun and fellowship, worship and wonder at God's continuing call. I would like to see this event grow and grow. I would like to see God's will for young people, the longing, hoping, loving and calling that God has for us growing and growing for us.

We will not return to the 'glories' of the past - the future is so much better than that. But each year things are getting better and better - and I long with all my heart for the Church to hear and learn, accept and value the most precious gift God gives us of young people in the Church.

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