Sunday, 24 June 2012

Ruth's Final Blog

And so to my final blog. It’s been a privileged year, full of challenge, fun, hard work and new experiences. And in one of those ‘Godincidences’ an invitation during the course of the year led to my final official visit being to the church that nurtured me as a teenager and witnessed my commitment as a follower of Jesus and as a member of the Methodist Church. The youth work at that church was terrific, and engaged a great number of us. Fortunately, although most of us moved away, some are still there, and so Jan Burgess responded to my invitation to organise a reunion of friends as part of the weekend. Of course, most are now retired so there was plenty to catch up on, and we had lunch together and then a cinefilm show! Yes, really. Jan’s husband Vic had been way ahead of the game in the 1950s and took cine film way into the 190s of Youth Club hikes and weekends away. So he assembled his antique projector and persuaded the reel to run. Not only nostalgic but a glimpse of social history as we were reminded of how fashions (we used to hike in skirts!) and motor cars changed over a period of about 8 years. Some of the older boys smoked a pipe (tobacco of course).
In addition to the reunion, I ran a workshop on spiritual leadership, answered questions at a ‘meet the VP’ session and did my final service based on the challenge from the MRDF trip to Kenya.
 Thank you North Harrow, and all the other people who have made my journey so rewarding during these past twelve months. To those who have organised, given me transport and hospitality, arranged visits, provided meals, shared in leading worship, written notes of encouragement and, essentially, prayed for me, I give my heartfelt thanks. Together we look forward to a year led by Mark and Mike, and will pray for them and all the ways they will enrich, and be enriched by, the people called Methodist. May we all know God’s continued blessing.

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