Friday, 9 December 2011


Sitting in Addis Ababa airport (Tuesday night), so barring an overnight flight nearly home! What an exhilarating trip to Ethiopia! At times grueling (six hours walking each way to remote forest communities in high altitude). At times challenging (with no electricity or fresh water for three days - an experience of course which is a way of life for many Ethiopians) but always at every turn a breaking down of more pre-conceptions (see the Methodist Recorder Christmas edition!) Yes a country that has known much poverty and oppression but is so much more than that - the splendor of the countryside, the safety of the towns, the rich history of the Ethiopian people and not least of the church (as The Patriarch reminded us is the oldest church) see Acts 8 vv26 ff. Ethiopia needs many things but not least a more positive press in the west and plenty of tourists to visit Lalibela, source of The Blue Nile and wildlife in abundance - any takers?

I am so grateful to MRDF, to Simeon Mitchell and Charlotte! who looked after me and to MRDF's partner in Ethiopia SUNARMA for the opportunity to visit this amazing country and see the way in which climate change and deforestation has had a devastating effect but also the way in which Small Miracles are taking place as trees are planted, irrigation provided, alternative sources of income developed and those of how food, security and livelihoods are improved.

On my flight out I read of God's promise to his people of a future and a hope and on my return reflect on a people beginning to believe in both again. Please pray for them.

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