Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Outcome Day

After having to take a few days off, two of which I spent being looked after and doing nothing, it felt really good to pick up on the Presidential duties again by joining the Outcome folk for the day in Chelsea. It took as long to get across London as it did to get from Market Harborough to St. Pancras in the first place ~ but it was worth it.
We had drinks together as others arrived, and then began to share some thoughts about just who is at the margins. We agreed that marginalisation is always contextual; that it changes through our lives, and sometimes in the course of one day; that even the most disregarded of us have moments of power ~ some of us more than we choose to acknowledge; and that our desire is to continue to stand alongside all who may be ignored or rejected. We also had some interesting conversation about whether, if God is at the margins, they actually become the centre ~ which was fun.
Lunch was good too! We looked together at a couple of Biblical passages, considering various possible approaches to the Woman at the Well, and considering why Paul compromised in Acts 16. It was good to learn so much from each other and then, in conclusion, I had the honour of serving the members and friends by presiding at an informal service of Holy Communion. Thank you to everyone who made this great day possible, by the organising, the hospitality and your presence.

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