Thursday, 23 June 2011

Mixed Week~End!

A very interesting mix of events last week-end. I had originally agreed to go to Shaw for their 200th Anniversary on the Sunday, and then the possibilities snowballed in a great way.
First, on the Saturday, was an exciting visit to The Welcome in Knutsford, where I was much encouraged by all that is being done alongside that community. I met interesting people; discovered at least some of the activities; and shared in their worship. If you are a Conference person, you will find some of their story in the Agenda, which means that if you aren't, you can still find it on line!
Then there was the gathering in memory of the Rev'd John Banks, whom I had the privilege of knowing when I served in the Manchester and Stockport District. We explored some Biblical material together and I enjoyed our discussion about possible interpretations and the importance, or otherwise, of very different approaches and what they might mean.
The next day was my day at Shaw, where we celebrated together with people involved there now, as well as with others who were part of the journey but have since moved on. It was good to meet old friends and new folk, and to rejoice at the record of work and witness while looking ahead at what God might invite us to next.
And finally, on the Monday, I went to Ampleforth to spend just a short time with the Ordinands of the Diaconal Order whom I will have the awesome responsibility of ordaining (and in one case, welcoming) at this year's Conference. The welcome, the sessions I was able to attend, and the worship during my visit, made me sorry that I was not free to share the whole retreat. Please pray for all who will be Received into Full Connexion, and Ordained if not already ordained, this year ~ Diaconal or Presbyteral, known to you by name or not ~ and for all involved in the services.

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