Saturday, 28 May 2011

London ~ another PS!

Again I record my gratitude to Eunice for being willing to record our visits so promptly. Those who know me will be aware how very grateful I am that she takes so much of the burden for me.

Sunday Morning was the time we went our different ways. I shared with the congregation at Forest Hill in a very special anniversary and circuit service when we were able to fully accredit four new Local Preachers. We had fun with building towers on shaky and firm foundations, and rejoiced before God to hear the testimonies of the new preachers.
It was also a delight and privilege for me to meet with Jeffrey Matthews who designed both the amazing window at the chapel and the Presidential Cross. Some of that story I already knew, but it was good to hear more of it from Jeffery himself.

And then I stayed with the London District while Eunice went home to catch up and prepare for her next visits, and led a three day retreat at Wychcroft. We reflected on crossing places and the gates and stiles on our journeys in particular, as well as laughing and praying together in a variety of ways. The "art table" was popular and revealed just how differently gifted the ministers of the District are! Thank you for organising it for us and for all that we learnt together.

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