Friday, 11 March 2011

Prayers for Japan

Our lives are placed in perspective when sudden and tragic events happen like those in Japan today.
Please join in prayer for the people of Japan.
The following was posted today by our World Church Asia Co-ordinator Steve Pearce.
Several powerful earthquakes have hit northern Japan today including one of 8.9 magnitude, this may be the worst for 140 years.
Many people are waiting in fear for the coming aftershocks. The whole of The Pacific rim is on tsunami alert, one of 10m has already struck the northern port of Sendai. Such a height of water could completely engulf some of the pacific islands. Many countries have warnings in place.
Inevitably the numbers of dead and injured are increasing hour by hour.
Our Mission Partners in Japan are safe and well, though worried about people they know in the north and on the coast. Many areas are without power and the government is asking people not to use the phone network so contact cannot be made with family members. They ask for our prayers.
God of love,
Be with the people of Japan as they cope with this earthquake,
God of peace
Be with those in fear of aftershocks and tsunami,
God of hope
Be with those who grieve and those waiting for news
God of all
Be with the island nations at the mercy of the sea,
God of the Church
Be with your people as they show your love and care.

We pray especially for our brothers and sisters in the United Church of Christ in Japan,For our Mission Partners, Daniel and Yasuko Dellming and their children, Momoko, Daisuke and Yoko and their relatives in Japan and also for Sheila Norris, currently on a brief visit to the UK.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to all who have moved us to prayer. Don't forget that though hymns are no longer being received for posting on the site there is one by Richard Gillard which may be appropriate, though written for Christchurch. Others written previously are still available for download.
    Praise is silent on our lips...
    Andrew Pratt
