Saturday, 12 March 2011


The Bristol visit started with the official opening of the Beacon Project in Chippenham. We had an evening of great rejoicing as we celebrated the work that is being done here in serving God and the local community.

This second picture will serve for me as a reminder of the huge privilege that is offered when one finds oneself named at a celebration, when all the hard work has been done by others and we are surrounded by the achievements of so many servants of the Living God.

After generous hospitality in Chippenham, we went on to Ammerdown to meet with Circuit Stewards and spend time in listening to them as well as sharing some ideas about Spiritual Leadership. We were reflecting on the responsibility of Leadership Teams for the "spiritual and material wellbeing of the circuit".

It was an excellent time including the first time I have been a member of a winning quiz team. Nothing to do with my input , but clearly related to the knowledge of certain members of the District Leadership as well as gifted Circuit Stewards.

The next day was time for a visit to The New Room ~ the first time I have had the opportunity to really explore, instead of simply a quick look. There was time to learn a little more of the history, and something of the exciting ventures in using history as a basis for mission. Then on to Midland Road and a meeting with some of the clients who are served by this hard working group who offer hospitality to the homeless and needy.

Eunice has already shared with you about the meeting I was booked to attend immediately after the District visit, but before I left Bristol, I shared a small part of the Ministerial Synod, where I preached on the text I chose for the membership tickets this year ~ The Lord waits to be gracious to you.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Alison for your contribution to Sheldon Road reopening weekend.Your words of encouragement and presence as President of Conference meant a great deal to those who have seen the realisation of a 15 year vision of The Beacon Project - how we can serve both God and the community through a new building and various new kinds of projects.

    God bless you in your presidential year
