Friday, 26 November 2010

Youth Assembly 2010 GENERATE

The Methodist Youth Assembly provides an opportunity for young people in the church to get together and participate in having their say. This year’s Methodist Youth Assembly took place at the PGL Liddington Centre near Swindon from 19 to 21 November. Around 200 young Methodists gathered to make key decisions affecting the life of the Church with education, sports ministry, and peace in Israel and Palestine on the agenda.

Youth President - Christy-Anna
Alison and I were very impressed by the way in which our current Youth President Christy-Anna Errington presided over the Assembly, supported by our hardworking and deeply committed children and youth team.

Christy-Anna says, 'Youth Assembly is a great way to meet new friends, have fun and get closer to God. It's a chance for young people to have their say and influence what happens in the Methodist Church.'
Click here for - Youth Presidents blog.

The theme of Youth Assembly this year was
think, talk, be disciples.

Worship at the Assembly took place in a large lounge with enormous and incredibly comfy bean bags for seats with the young people planning and leading the worship alongside the President.

Youth Participation Strategy - One Programme

It was great to meet the young people on the Methodist Church 'One Programme.' Here I am with our OPP's - One Programme Participants. They are unique individuals who give a year of their time, committed to one place and project. The One Programme is part of our Youth Participation Strategy which is committed to enabling young people to participate in shaping and making the church.

Login's were sessions designed to enable discussion around several issues, raising awareness and concerns. Six login's were available -
A Question of Sport - Do sport and faith go together and should the church be into sport?
More than just reading the bible- Should worship be done to you, with you or for you?
Futureshock-The future is out there, but for lots it's scary. What will it really be like?
Why Methodism-Explore, be informed, encouraged and inspired about all things Methodist.
Israel/Palestine- Exploring conflict in the Holy Land and in our lives.
Love/Sex and Relationships- What do you have to tell the church about sex and relationships?

After the Logins came the opportunity to vote on resolutions and decisions using the fun electronic voting system or have items put onto the GENEROUS website for discussion.

What did the young people think of Youth Assembly this year.............

Photo Gallery.................

The President and I with Sam Taylor the newly elected Youth President for 2011-2012.

From September 2011, Sam will work part time for one year to serve the young people of the Methodist Church in Britain, making their voices heard and helping them to get more involved in every aspect of Church life. The Youth President is a paid post as part of the Children and Youth Team of the Methodist Church in Britain. Sam said, “I want to focus on empowering young people to be more involved in church life - it has to come from young people if we are going to get more young people coming into the Church. Young people need God in their lives and they need other young people to help them to find God. So the church needs young people at the centre of this, to make sure it is happening, and that the people that need God most are being reached.”

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