Wednesday, 4 November 2009

The Queen's Foundation, November 3rd

On a day when the weather favoured us with its rich autumnal variety (i.e. from bright sunshine to torrential downpours) I travelled to Birmingham for an afternoon at the Queen's Foundation, where I was made most welcome. After conversation with the Principal, Canon David Hewlett and our own Helen Cameron, I joined other staff members and students for lunch. This was followed by a session on 'Creating Safer Space' with this year's presbyteral and diaconal students. We're pictured (left) and I'm hoping the haziness of the picture reflects the weather consitions rather than any lack of clarity in our conversation.
Next came an hour or so with the SOCMS (Selly Oak Centre for Mission Studies) students (right) whefre we listened to each other's stories and considered some of the challenges facing the Church in Britain and throughout the world. This was a fascinating session and I wonder how more people could get the chance to meet and talk with this group of church leaders from around the world. We have so much to learn from each other.
The climax of the afternoon was the Foundation's evening eucharist, with a full chapel, a congregation drawn from different churches, cultures and continents. Bible readings were read in different languages and everhyone said the Lord's Prayer in their own language. The music was lively and came from different continents.
I drove home with much to reflect on, after a fascinating, inspiring and enjoyable afternoon. Many thanks to all at Queen's.

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