Saturday, 19 September 2009

Well done!

Yesterday I attended two award ceremonies. The first was at the Barbican Centre, and was one of the Open University’s 25 graduation ceremonies this year. I went to celebrate a friend receiving her BA, but it was easy to get caught up in everyone else’s celebrations as well. OU students generally have to fit their study in along with their work and family life and it takes a lot of hard work and commitment. At the ceremony a Doctorate of the University was awarded to Frank Gardner OBE, the BBC’s Security Correspondent, who received a standing ovation.

In the evening I went to the ‘Bloggies’ award ceremony at St Stephen Walbrook Church, in London. This is the event organised by Premier Christian Media to present their Christian Web and New Media Awards for 2009. There were three Methodist finalists. Wellspring Methodist Church was a finalist in the class for a small church website. The President’s and Vice President’s blog (which you are currently reading) was runner up for the Most Inspiring Christian Leadership Blog award. But our star of the evening was the Revd David Perry, Chair of the Lincoln and Grimsby District, who won the award for Best Christian Blog! Well done indeed! Visit his blog and you'll soon see why he did so well - it's called: davesdistrictblog. (Picture shows him making his thankyou speech.)

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