Wednesday, 2 September 2009


Let's go back to the middle of August.
Early in the month, my laptop died on me so my blogging career came to a sudden halt just when I was beginning to enjoy it. This means I've got a bit of catching up to do, with visits to Scotland, Shetland and the Darlington District.

On the way to Scotland, Liz and I spent a few days in York, where we met (and married) while I was a minister in the York (South) Circuit. Our marriage was on 15th August 1987, so our visit this year almost coincided with our wedding anniversary. It was good to visit the Central Methodist Church (left), where our marriage took place. As it happened, the church was open as a lunchtime organ recital was due to take place. In the vestibule we met several folk who were members when I was a minister in the 1980s. We were only able to stay for about 20 minutes, as the recital was due to start. But it was good to meet up with old friends and we shall be revisiting York later in the year - in November 2009 and in March 2010 (when, among other things, I have been invited to preach at the morning Eucharist in the Minster).
Then it was time to move on to Scotland......

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