Saturday, 12 September 2009

Leeds District Synod

The Autumn Synod for the Leeds District is traditionally at the Methodist school, Ashville College, in Harrogate. We are always made to feel welcome and the lunch that concludes our business is always appreciated. Today was no exception with the Headmaster, who is to move on from the school at the end of this academic year, welcoming us back once again.

Liz Smith, our District Chair (opposite) led the opening worship and we welcomed those who had been newly stationed in the Leeds District.

I’d been given an opportunity to address Synod, and I reflected that the last time we had met together they had sent me off to Conference with their full support and best wishes. It was good to be back, now 2 months in to my year of office and with much to share about Conference and my experiences so far.

Later in the morning we heard from Norman Ivison and Sally Thornton who led a challenging session about Fresh Expressions. They talked about the changing pattern of Sundays, relationships and cultures, alongside the increasing lack of knowledge about faith and the growing spiritual hunger within our society, and how fresh expressions of church can respond to this.

Norman had been on to the streets of Preston asking people what they knew about the Methodist Church. The results were stark but not surprising. “I’ve heard about them but don’t know anything about them”, “They’re a bit strict aren’t they”, although some added words to the effect of “they do some good things don’t they”. Research suggests that at least 60% of the UK population have no real contact with any church. The Fresh Expressions movement should offer a wake-up call to us all


  1. This is not about the Leeds District Synod but I am hoping you can point me in the right direction to learn about the Leeds District 1945 Methodist Youth Festival (Eisteddfod & Arts & Crafts Exhibition). I would like to know the date on which prizes were awarded for the Class I Competition No. 33 and is there a record of the prizewinners, please? I am 73 now and living in America. At the time of the Festival I was living in Butterfield II House in the NCH&O, Bramhope. Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.

  2. This is not about the Leeds District Synod but I am hoping you can point me in the right direction to learn about the Leeds District 1945 Methodist Youth Festival (Eisteddfod & Arts & Crafts Exhibition). I would like to know the date on which prizes were awarded for the Class I Competition No. 33 and is there a record of the prizewinners, please? I am 73 now and living in America. At the time of the Festival I was living in Butterfield II House in the NCH&O, Bramhope. Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.
