Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Good Friday celebrations

It has been a good week so far and David was able to join us on the Thursday evening. On the morning of Good Friday we went to visit some the chapels on our way to Walls. We went to Westerkeld and met Betty who told us the story of the redevelopment of the chapel there which is used by the whole community.

Then we went to Culswick which is in the middle of nowhere. This chapel has 2 members and a service once a month in summer.....but at the Carol Service there were 96 - the whole of the village except the 2 shut-ins!!

'Cafe in the Church' is held on a Friday in the Walls Church and it was magnificent to see so many young families coming for their lunch. Many have had no or little contact with the church but already there are signs of some of them coming along to some of the Celebration events organised by the church - a real Fresh Expression of being church in our most northerly circuit.

The rest of the day was spent sharing in worship. Firstly at a Care Home and then travelling to Yell to share in a service with Jeremy at East Yell. There was a good congregation made up of Methodists and Episcopalians and they all lined up for a photo...we had to do something as the preacher went on a little and we missed the ferry we were booked on and so had an hour to have tea and cake with everyone....

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