Tuesday, 3 March 2009

wandering around the land of song

It seems that it is a few years since the President has visited the Cymru District and I was warmly welcomed by the Chaor of the District, Patrick Slattery, at the Methodist Chapel in Llanfyllin, Powys.

In the morning I was able to share with ministers, spouses and widows, from both the Welsh speaking and English speaking congreagtions and this was followed by a lovely lunch in the hall. The heating didn't seem to want to warm us up in the chapel so we were glad of the heat in the hall and the food....as well as good conversation.

The numbers were sweled in the afternoon by many lay people from the nearny circuits as IO shared about our place within the World Church. I shared some the challenges which this btings. During one of my stories I mentioned that we had a minister from papua New Guinea in the Nortyh lancashire District so many people were thrilled to tell me of one of their own, Susannah rankin, who had served for years there.

the plaque is in the chapel famous for being the home of the hymn writer Ann Griffiths.
there are many challenges facing the Cymru District and I assured them of our prayers

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