Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Emerging Leaders Day


Saturday April 18th 2009

Westminster Central Hall London

During this year David and I have become more and more aware of needing to find ways to encourage some of our younger people into leadership within our Church now.

We know that some have tried and have felt kicked back, not encouraged, not able to give the time commitment other generations have because of changing life-styles and pressures...........

So we are launching this initiative to bring together some of our emerging leaders, particularly lay people, in the 20-40 age range.

I am sorry that this clashes with two events that some of the people we were hoping to attract will be attending, ECG in Llandudno and Spring harvest, but this was the only date that both David and I had free when we launched the idea before Christmas. We hope that this will be seen to be complimentary to all that the organisers of ECG will be doing in sunny North Wales.

The aim of the event is to bring together young adults from across the connexion in order to provide a gathering from which our Church can create a supporting, inspiring network for emerging leaders.

The day will begin with arrivals at 10.30am abd the programme starting at 11.00am. Lunch will be provided, and the event should end by 6.30pm

It is our hope that circuits and/or districts will help cover the cost of travel.

If you are interested or could encourage someoine to come along then more details are available by emailing methodist. emerging@googlemail.com

We hope it will be a great day.

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