Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The World Church in Wolverhampton

As David has shared we had a really good time in the Wolverhampton & Shrewsbury District, There were many highlights but there are two to mention here. The first was a gathering over lunch of those ministers within the District who had come from sister Conferences around the world to share ministry with us here in Britain. It was an opportunity for me to listen to their experiences and hope we might improve our induction for those who come among us in the future.

On the Friday John Howard, the Chair, took me along with the two Rhwandan visitors Anastase and Julienne, to the John Fletcher Anglican/Methodist Junior School at Madeley. We had a wonderful time speaking to some of the children and staff as well as going into each class room to say hello and allow Anastase and Julienne to bring greetings. The good thing was that this was re-establishing a link with one of our schools which has not been very strong over the past years. Our Methodist Day Schools around the connexion are a rich resource and something we need to celebrate and make it the best we can. So I'm hoping, as are the school, that this visit will bring stronger relationships between the local church and circuit.

On the Sunday I was in Telford and shared in worship at a recently built church in Wellington which is thriving and active within the community throughout the week. Then in the afternoon at the Dawley Christian Centre for an ecumenical Advent Service. There was much to encourage in both places and throughout the District. I was especially impressed by the continuing work across the District with young people and the recent visit to Rhwanda (as reported by David) has been part of this crucial ministry. I hope that more Districts find ways to help our young people (and others) experience the challenges and joys of the wider World Church.

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