Thursday, 25 September 2008

fresh eco ways of being school

I've had a great few days visiting the Beds, Essex and Herts District. Anne was a very gracious hostess and with her husband Andrew cared for me and then later David, when he came for the weekend, There is lots of new housing development going on within the District and the South east generally. One of the visits was to Hatfiekld where the Circuit is actively engaged with developing Fresh Expressions of mission and of being church on a new housing area.

The minister, Nina Johnson,has been working in the community for a year and has just moved onto the estate in a house with her family which has an additional 'upper room' built over the garage and she is going to use this as for community use and a sacred space. She has already built up excellent relationships with people in the community and the new;y built school

Howe Dell is the first eco school in Hertforshire with wind turbines, solar panels,light sensors in every room, equipment and carpets made from recycled material. The children allwear plimsoles in the school building and put on their shoes to go outside. The best for me was when the four children Stephen, Georgia, Josh and Henry......

showed us the toilets. The water for the flush comes from rainwater collected on the roof. The flushed water goes into the pond (pictured above) and then that feeds into the tap water!!

Our four guides were tremendous and Nina is welcomed with open arms by the school and the community people I met.

I did lots of other things in the District and met a variety of people and as photos arrive will post some of them on the blog - but just off to catch a train to London.

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