Tuesday, 1 July 2008

All change

Well, what a strange week. From the Prayer breakfast last Tuesday which was fabulous to a few days where a new job came on the horizon, my little car let it be known that it was needing to be replaced, a project that I had been involved in at work came to fruition today, keeping me there until after 8pm and I put off the packing which is necessary for me to go off to Scarborough tomorrow.
It has been an amazing year and is not quite over yet. Martyn will have more to do than me over these next few days as he chairs the ministerial and diaconal sessions of Conference and I know he will do that with his customary care and prayerful approach. He has been a great President and a fabulous person to be alongside - I shall miss seeing you at such regular intervals. Thanks, Martyn. And thank you to all of those people who have been reading this blog and made a point of mentioning it as we travelled around. I hope that there might be the opportunity of a last posting before I hand over to David on Saturday but if not then do keep on reading this and give the same support to Stephen and David that you have given to us.
And thanks to God whose inclusive love is open to all. May you know the peace of God which passes all understanding.

1 comment:

  1. Ruby,

    You have been a fantastic Vice President, I am so glad that you and Martyn were in office for my ordination year.

    The blog has been great way of making the roles more visible as has all your activity on facebook.

    "Enjoy" being silent for a week at conference!
