Tuesday, 17 June 2008

first phases of handover

I've been with Stephen Poxon today. I hand over the presidency and presidential 'bling' in under three weeks! Can't believe it's gone so quickly. Still a few more engagements to look forward to, but talking with Stephen reminds me that the end is near! We've talked together about many things pertaining to being president, and I am sure that he is going to lead our Church with wisdom and passion. He will, I am sure, with David, continue to represent us at various groupings. Please pray for them both (Stephen and David) in these last couple of weeks of preparation. I bear testimony to the power of your prayers, and know that they will be borne along with prayer also.


  1. I hope yourself and Ruby are handing over key information about the importance of blogging.

    The blog has been a wonderful way to follow the journey of our president and vice president and it would be great if it could continue.

    Warm Regards to all 4 of you!


  2. The End is Neigh! Blessings to you both, especially to Martyn as he takes over his new responsibilities.

    The blogging has been A Very Good Thing and much appreciated.

  3. Stephen and I certainly intend to continue the blog though I'm not sure we will be able to do it with such zest and professionalism as Martyn and Ruby have.
    It has been good to follow their travels 'as they happen' and they both remain in our prayers as their year of office - but not their respective contributions to the Church - comes to an end.


  4. I am just preparing our July Prayer Guidelines for distribution on Sunday and I have included all of you - you, Stephen and David.

  5. I've really enjoyed catching up on what you've been doing in you presidential year - you rate as 'one of my favourite influences' from my all too short time at Cliff. I remember a conversation over a Cliff Sunday Roast at the end of one of our residential weeks when you described yourself as 'just Martyn' who does stuff when I suggested that maybe a move abroad was a bit drastic, I felt you still had things to do here (or words to that effect - it was a while ago) and hey .. Cliff Principal and MU President ... and God's not finished with you yet - oh no!

    You are a gift to the Kingdom Revd Dr A ;) and I hope I'll be able to continue following your adventures!!!

    Tons of Blesings

    Jill Mayes

  6. many thanks Martyn and Ruby for keeping us "with you" and in our prayers this year.
