Saturday, 12 April 2008

Ruby the flexible, the valiant

Well...Ruby's vice-presidential year may well have prepared her for the long hours, the swift movement from one group of individuals to the next, the speeches, the gift ceremonies, and the cheek-aching smiling that has filled her colourful 3 days in the rural areas of NW Cameroon. But we have also subjected her to dancing and pompom waving as the communities showed their appreciation of her visit; to torrential rain and slippery slopes as she clambered up to see people's compounds and down to see people's vegetable gardens; to cross rickety bridges while people on all sides took her photograph and to pitch black roads leading to the only open watering hole after a 12 hour day in the field. And she has met it all with good grace and energy, interviewing community members and being bear-hugged to their chests, looking at their carrots with genuine interest and really making them feel appreciated and alongside them. They are all waiting for her return trip! (written by Kirsty Smith, MRDF Director)


  1. We are very lucky to have such an intrepid VP!
    Lovely to see Ruby making the most of the opportunities this visit has afforded to truly get in among the people!

  2. I have really enjoyed reading the account of your visit. Thank yo for blogging this
