Each year there is an annual informal meeting of leaders from the Methodist Church and the Church of England to discuss items of common concern. This is particularly important in the light of the Anglican-Methodist Covenant. This morning Martyn and I went to Lambeth Palace with David Deeks, Peter Sulston and Ken Howcroft to meet the people from the Church of England who are our nearest counterparts! We talked with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, the Bishop of Peterborough, the General Secretary and the Ecumenical Officer on subjects as wide ranging as Fresh Expressions, Theology of Equalities and Christian links in Europe as well as having updates on the work of the Joint Implementation Commission for the Covenant. It was good to share examples of how the Churches were sharing in mission in different ways and recognise the need to share this more widely. I felt it was a helpful meeting and hope our partners in the Covenant feel the same.
CB's Mum says: They say every picture tells a story - where were the other women? Thank you for being there for us Ruby and thanks too for your voice on inclusive church...