Monday, 18 February 2008

Happy Sunday in Harlesden, Harrow and Hillingdon

On Sunday morning we had a slightly shorter service at Harlesden Methodist Church - only 2 hours. We only had two choirs too, the Church Choir and the Youth Gospel Choir, many of whom had taken part in the celebration at Westminster Central Hall on Saturday. The Preacher was a little shorter too! But I am sure that we had no less passion and enthusiasm in our worship and it was a real pleasure to be there. It turned out that their minister, Nick Skelding and I had been in the same circuit many years ago so there was a bit of a reunion there too. We had an abundance of Vice Presidents with two former VPs, Pauline Webb and Ivan Weekes in the congregation as well as Ermal Kirby, District Chair. Blessings abound. The congregation at Harlesden made us feel very welcome and there was a lunch after the service which included a whole range of great food. Thanks to all who contributed.

At Northwood Church in the Harrow and Hillingdon Circuit the team had put together a fabulous

service after a fantastic tea. (Note to self - must go on a diet at the end of this year). We were honoured to have the Mayor of Harrow, Jean Lammiman, a member of the Church at Pinner, with us. There was a Circuit band/orchestra and choir and people sharing in prayers and a dramatised reading leaving Martyn and I to just speak. (I've already had a bit of advice on one of my illustrations from one of our worship leaders - point taken Charlie). We were all invited to take our shoes off on the way in to the sanctuary and it was with great relief that the president and I discovered that our socks were not holey just holy. (Sorry!) There was the opportunity to take part in an action response involving rainbow coloured ribbons going out in a web to all corners of the Church.
It was good to see people from my Church in Ruislip - at least they know I am still alive and well even though absent from their congregation for this year. Thanks to all of those who took part and made this a special service and a special day.
It is a real privilege to serve the Church and to be able to share with so many people in so many ways.

1 comment:

  1. Well, we thoroughly enjoyed the service and the preparation...and the pub visit afterwards. Thank you to both Martyn & Ruby for their team preaching - motivating & encouraging!
