Sunday, 20 January 2008

Lincoln, Spalding and Bourne

Off to the Lincoln and Grimsby District this weekend to be involved with a programme including District gatherings and leading worship. The photograph shows Martyn and I with David Perry and Jenny Park, the Chair and Deputy Chair of the District at the Spalding gathering. On Saturdsy two of these gatherings were held. In the morning we were at Lincoln High Street where Sara Cliff and Ian Hill led those co-ordinating the proceedings. At each place the sessions opened with worship and then there I spoke and led discussion on "Being a Christian at work" and then Martyn did the same (but different!) on "Resourcing renewal". It was good to meet with so many people and to share with them. One thing I was pleased to learn was the up to date term for "dinner lady" - it's "Mid-day Supervisor". Thanks to a young man called Alex who is one of those supervisors. I was also pleased that we had chaplains inboth sessions who were able to share a little of the contacts they make. An unexpected but interesting conversation came for me when I asked directions after having been abandoned somewhere in Spalding by the President and the District Chair and had to ask directions! The people I asked were a retired couple who had been Salvation Army officers.

After the Spalding meeting I was whisked off to Bourne by the minister there, Colin Martin, and he didn't visibly shake at my driving - a very brave man. Colin and his wife Kath offered me wonderful hospitality and the opportunity for discussion with others who lived locally, particularly Edward and Betty and Fred and Mavis. I am sure Martyn will share what happened to him once I left.

This morning I preached at Bourne Church and we shared great fellowship. The worship band and other musicians were wonderful, particularly as gremlins hit the projection system which meant that we had to change most of the carefully chosen hymns. The technical team were able to get the system to behave to show my short "God is my Shepherd" DVD which the congregation enjoyed. We were honoured by a visit from past Vice President Brian Thornton, which was a great encouragement for me. After a wonderful Sunday lunch and some more conversation I set off down the motorway system in the dark and rain, encouraged once more to have been in the presence of more representatives of the people called Methodist and grateful for the wonderful flowers I brought back with me. Thanks to everyone involved in the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I was at the meeting in Spalding on Saturday Afternoon and found your thoughts on Church and work extremely helpful.My work is going through another restructuring at the moment and I am having to help my staff through it on a daily basis.It was lovely to hear both you and the President speak and I will keep you both in my prayers.

