This weekend I went to the Sheffield District on what really felt like a flying visit. On Saturday evening we met with some friends who live in Yorkshire and caught up with their news. One great sadness was to hear that a stalwart of Sprotbrough Church, where I would be preaching on Sunday, had died on Saturday afternoon. Joy Mears was a wonderful, godly woman who left a lasting impression on everyone she met. She was well known in the village for her love, kindness and, indeed, her joy in the Lord. She will be greatly missed. She had been ill for some time but it is always a shock when a life passes, even when it is not totally unexpected. Joy was very involved in the church, having been on note as a local preacher when she was 16 and she was greatly loved through her work with children and young people.
On Sunday morning we began the service with some thoughts about Joy and we reminded ourselves of her love of God and her enthusiasm for singing and for learning new songs and hymns. Her presence was with us throughout the service. I knew Joy a little, having eaten with them on a number of occasions and slept on the floor at the home of Joy and Keith when attending another friend's 30th birthday party. We remembered Keith and their children Ann, Louise and Peter and their families in our prayers as we looked to think about the season of Advent.
In the evening I was at the annual Ladies' Guild service in Ryecroft Methodist Church near Rotherham. It was good to be with them and take part in the service alongside their minister Alastair Sharp. They told me they had been the young wives - and I don't know why they felt the need to change the name!
Back down the motorway last night and into work this morning, feeling blessed and encouraged by the opportunity to share with some more people around the Methodist Connexion.
Our goal:
ReplyDeleteRevival & Healing Centre is an organization of called-out born-again Christians who have a burden for the salvation of souls and who are making repeated efforts in proclaiming the holy Gospel and in edifying the existing Christians so that they may preach and teach the good news of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ and His teachings to all the people.
Our activities:
In the following points below you should have an idea of the nature of our work:
1. Evangelism. 2. Church planting 3. Caring for widows and orphans 4. Supporting pastors 5. Academic education
1. Evangelism - With the help of our fellowship believers and evangelists we have covered forty villages so far among this particular grup (Murya Gond And Madya Gond). People from every walk of life have been impacted by the gospel there by the congregation is growing each week.
2. Church planting - We have planted twelve house Churches in Narayanpur and the neighboring villages. We also have Churches in Bijapur district and in Orissa state. Four of these Churches require buildings to conduct worship.
3. Caring for widows and orphans - It has been our long-standing desire to serve the less privileged. And we would like to expand in this service. At present we have a widow and three orphans living with us. We completely trust the Lord to provide us for their spiritual and physical needs.
4. Supporting pastors - Besides our congregation in Narainpur as per the needs we financially and spiritually cover other pastors who serve in other districts and states of India.
5. Academic education - We have been managing a school, which in the past twenty-five years has grown from a primary to a high school level. We have two hundred children now. Our aim and objective is to reach out to people's home through their children. Through this project the Lord has enabled us to stay on and continue amidst the hostility to the gospel this area. Tribal and non tribal receive academic education along with the teachings of the one and only living God and His Son Jesus the Savior of this world. Many lives have been touched by this educational service and have gone on to serve in the extension of God's kingdom. This is a brief outline of the nature of our work. We trust that you will notice the projects mentioned here of your interest and be able to guide and help us in your capacity according to our Lord's guidance.
History of our Mission:
The late evangelist brother James Andrews started Revival & Healing Centre in the year 1962. Brother James Andrews was originally a Muslim who accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. Brother James Andrews preached the holy Gospel in 52 nations all across the world and his main emphasis was about the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He came to Bastar district in the year 1962 with a great vision to proclaim the holy Gospel among the tribal people. He continued this good work until he went to the Lord in December 14,1998. His daughter Smita Kumar and her husband Pastor G. Vijay Kumar took the responsibility of continuing the good work, which was done by brother James Andrews.
Pray for our branch Pastor Ramesh Nag and his family.
Pastor Ramesh Nag and his family are doing a ministry in an area, which is dominated by terrorists. Please pray that God may protect Pastor Ramesh Nag, his family and evangelists who are working along with him.
Pray for our believers who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ.
Recently our evangelists went to a village named Palkhi to conduct a prayer meeting in the house of a believer. Suddenly some Hindu people came and started beating our evangelists. These Hindus grabbed the bicycles of our evangelists and they told them to come the next day to have a general meeting with the village people. The next day Pastor G. Vijay Kumar went along with the evangelists to that village to meet those people and to recover those bicycles. After a long meeting of two hours those 450 villagers wanted to beat up Pastor Vijay Kumar. But the Holy Spirit helped Pastor Vijay Kumar to answer them in a very wise manner and to bring the situation under control. Those believers are being harassed until today. Please pray that the Lord Jesus Christ may give them the grace to withstand that persecution and to emerge victorious and stronger in faith.
Pray for a new church building in Narayanpur.
At present, we are regularly worshipping in a school building. However, this building is a bit too small for 300 regular worshippers. Please pray that the living God may provide us with a church building with a capacity to seat 1000 worshippers. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ will definitely provide us with this new building in the near future.
Pray for a house for our pastor’s family.
At present, our pastor and his family are living in a very old house, which is in a very dilapidated condition. As a result, they have to move to a new house. In fact this new house is under construction. However this new house is not yet completed because of lack of funds. Please pray that the Lord Jesus Christ may provide us with the necessary funds to complete the new house.
Pastor G. Vijay Kumar
Revival & Healing Centre
Post. Narayanpur Dist. Bastar
Chhattisgarh 494661
Tel, 07781-252293, 252557
Mobile. 09424272506, 09425598173