Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Mid Term review

We are half way through our term as President and Vice President. As Martyn and I prepared to lead worship at Wesley's Chapel yesterday morning I realised that in exactly six months time we would be handing over the reigns to Stephen and David. I rushed then into work and got home about midnight then set off this morning to Swanwick for the Connexional Leadership Team where a number of people asked how the year was going. Seems I need to stop and think about that!
It has certainly been interesting. But is that enough? When I let my name go forward for the role of Vice President, one reason was because I had been challenged by a non Christian colleague about how they felt treated by the Church and I had responded that with all it's faults I saw it's strengths and would want to contribute to change from within rather than just abandoning the Church. Then I was asked again by a number of people to let my name go forward - and the rest, as they say, is history. One person who knew of this asked me in the Autumn if I felt that I had been given or had taken any opportunities to change or encourage change in the Church and that certainly gave me food for thought!
I've met some fascinating people, tried to encourage and challenge - and been encouraged and challenged myself. Seen some really positive things done in the name of God through members of the Methodist Church and others. Had conversations with those of other faiths and none. But what now?
As I try to be a disciple of Jesus I want to be part of a Church which reflects the love of God for all and makes sense to those I meet. I want us to be seen to serve the present age - whatever that means in the 21st century. In 2008 what is the good news of God and how do we avoid misrepresenting it and actually telling it? How do we ensure that we share the manifesto of Jesus who came to bring good news to the poorand freedom to the prisoner, to set the downtrodden free? And what should be my priorities for the next six months?
Answers on a postcard please - or maybe in the comments box.


  1. I think your questions are vey challenging and could be answered at two levels: the personal and individual and in your role as Vice President.
    On teh individual level, I believe that there is a task that only 'I' or 'you' can do because we have been created and keep on being recreated throgh our experiences of God, the world and others. So what God asks of you is to be more truely and fully the 'you' he has created - whatever that might mean.
    The role of Vice President may require more of a prophetic role and you encourage and challenge people to be 'the best they can be' in the ways they follow the person of Jesus Christ.
    I see that more and more, Christian disciples, must conform to the attitude of Christ in loving service to others and that may mean getting out of our church groups and into the world around us.We are not here to serve only other believers but to live the good news.
    Best wishes for your journeys through the next 6 months.

  2. I want to say a big thank you to both you and Martyn for blogging, this has been an enormous encouragement to those of us who see our little corner and not much more. Suddenly the Connexion seems more real and more vibrant than it has before.
    So please keep on keeping us in touch with what you are doing, keep on telling us stories about the people you meet with. On top of that please continue to tell it as it is!
    Prayers for your continued journey.

  3. Way back on October 14 the Pesident mentioned that he had met some "new Christians" --in Germany.

    I commented that sadly I didn't expect a reference to "new Christians" to feature elsewhere during his travels around the Connexion.

    I would absolutely love to be proved wrong. Has he found any "new Christians" as he has travelled the Connexion?

    Or have we lost the idea that we are an evangelistic organsiation?

    Please, please prove me wrong!
