Friday, 30 November 2007

return of the missing President

What on earth have i been doing! No blog entry for 2 weeks!

Well I had a great time with a group of mission accompanists in Scotland, then opened a church in Hoylake - a most encouraging time. I then set off for the Youth Conference in Cardiff - read Ruby's entry for this exciting event.

I then jumped on a plane and went to Malta (as you do)! I'd never been to Malta before and didn't know what to expect. In the event I found it a most interesting place, with its long and proud history of resistance, and, until recently (i.e. the 1960's), the reality of living under successive colonising powers.

I'd gone to share in the celebrations of St Andrew's Scots Church in Valletta. It is unique (I think) in that it is an ecumenical project between the Church of Scotland and the Methodist Church. So I led worship to celebrate 150 years of witness, but also attended the 'kirk session'. It is interesting to see how other traditions do the business of running church - but in the end I guess one church meeting is much like another!

The last couple of days have been spent in London, first at a meeting on Wednesday, then on Thursday a visit to Christian Aid, and a meeting with its impressive leader Daleep Mukarji. Then, if that were not enough joy, on to the House of Commons to share in a splendid MRDF event and listen to its equally impressive leader Kirsty Smith.

Hilary Armstrong MP spoke movingly of the importance of development aid, and its role in her own discipleship, and the whole event was made possible by Ruby in her important role in the 'House'. Well done all concerned - a really good 'do'.

Whether 'large scale' like Christian Aid, or the 'small miracles' undertaken by the Methodist Relief and Development Fund, the sheer need of the world, and the profound call to Christians to meet it in the name of Christ through justice, integrity, generosity and grace has taken centre stage in my thoughts and spirit this last while. And so it should.

So, happy but a bit brainblocked the weekend beckons, then its off again.

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