Just a quick log, while in the home of a fellow Methodist minister. Spent the last 2 days walking down the beautiful coast of north east england. After preaching in Berwick on Sunday morning, Leo Osborn and I, ferried admirably by 'Ian and Elizabeth' went to Holy Island. We just beat the incoming tide, and stayed with the vicar, Brother Damian, a Franciscan. I preached as part of evensong and we had a lovely evening at the vicarage. Then Monday we started walking in the footsteps of the Celtic saints. 17 miles to Alnmouth, and to the Franciscan Priory there. Set in the context of compline we remembered Aidan, the founder of Lindisfarne. Lovely and atmospheric.
Then today. Supposedly 18 miles which turned into 22! So I am not at my best tonight, in spite of a lovely evening service in Newbiggin by the Sea Methodist Church, focusing on St Cuthbert. Very sore feet, not helped by the legacy of two operations on my ankle because of sports injuries, which have decided to protest against the rought treatment they have received today. We'll see how I am in the morning...
In spite of sore feet and bruised toes however the spirit of the folk we are walking with, and meeting each evening is terrific. And the hospitality we have received everywhere is wonderful. More later.
Lindisfarne and walking in the footsteps of the Celtic Saints- I am envious...