Thursday, 16 August 2007

A chimeless existence

It is very quiet at work this week - plenty to do but also plenty of time to do it and far fewer interruptions which is unusual. There is less structure to the day and this is particularly key because at the Houses of Parliament where I work we are missing the distinctive sound which lets us know when it is time to move on. Big Ben is not chiming due to maintenance works and this will go on until September. It has made me realise how much I depend on the chimes at quarter to the hour to point me towards a meeting starting on the hour (and in those dire meetings the joy of hearing the chimes which herald the end of the meeting). But I have also found myself thinking about the other things which give our lives structure and purpose - people, places, faith, activities - and how hard it can be when we lose these. We need to take time on occasion to understand what is going on and ensure we do essential maintenance where we can.

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